I am simply renaming the fields useQuery is giving me in the first call, so that they can live in the same scope, otherwise the second query will overwrite the first. Primarily, if you’re trying to debug stuff from the server’s point of view, you’ll see queries that look very different from what you initially fired on the client, which could make it harder to debug your queries. Similar posts. It can send queries, cache requested data, and update the state of UI components. This will ensure my passed in "service" string ends up on the request header sent to the server. So, we implemented automatic query batching in Apollo Client. A single article can not encapsulate all the things one wants to know about such an interesting technology. But most of the times after: will reuse the cache for foo and won't query for it. Now, on the server, using express, I set up a redirect route that reads the header and sends the request on to either one or the other endpoint based on this header: graphQLServer. Was this post helpful? Ever. This may help you achieve separation of data concerns, where your component still has defined colocated data dependencies, but you are merging the queries at a higher level to optimize HTTP traffic. if you want to learn how to use the expression "to be fair" correctly this is a good start https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/to-be-fair. We’ve picked nice, non-conflicting names in our two example queries, but we have no guarantee of that being the case when we are attempting to merge arbitrary queries. You should just change the limit accordingly ‍♂. As a reminder, GraphQL is a popular alternative to REST APIs. For example, given the following query: The server will return a result that looks like the following: Using this feature of GraphQL, we can step through the AST of a query and rename all of the top-level fields, inline fragments and named fragments in a way that makes sure that they will never conflict once merged. The GraphQL schema can more easily be built incrementally based on the requirements of the frontend, rather than trying to convert your entire REST API into a GraphQL-based solution in one go. With REST API, you may need to make multiple request to get all the data. P.S. Using it, you could keep your multiple useQuery separate as they are, and let the apollo link take care of batching them when it makes sense. Is it possible to call multiple queries with useQuery? In our situation, we are paginating a table and preloading a variable number of next pages. apollo-cache-inmemory is ... Find more details about how Apollo caching works here. There are a lot of libraries you can use to work with GraphQL, including Relay, Prisma, URQL, and Apollo Client. Apollo Studio Explorer is the GraphQL IDE of the future. This article also assumes that you've already set up Apollo Client and have wrapped your React app in an ApolloProvider component. So, we need to utilize a method that can turn multiple queries into a single query, submit it to the server, receive a single result and then unpack it into results for each of the queries initially submitted. All the code inspired in this blog post is from a GitHub issue thread (Read more for interesting discussion …. The top level of my app is wrapped in an . In this tutorial, I will show you the basics of how to use GraphQL with React and TypeScript. For example, say you have two UI components that each fire off a couple of GraphQL queries with Apollo Client: Batching is turned off in Apollo Client by default. GraphQL Helix did not seem to have a lot of community support. Intended outcome: I am trying to use the link object on an ApolloClient instance to execute a query that is part of a document that contains multiple queries. The only other alternative to Apollo Server was Express GraphQL, but Apollo Server has a lot of convenience features that I preferred over Express GraphQL. In most current GraphQL servers, requests are sent in the following form: The GraphQL server then resolves the query string and returns a single result. Apollo Server’s Readme had a comparison with express-graphql at some point, which can help understand the differences. A client-side schema gives a great “starting point” should you eventually decide to take the plunge and invest in a real GraphQL server. Intended outcome: i use react with apollo. later i want to run the query again.. Actual outcome: i can cancel the query using an AbortController.but, if i execute the query again, no http-request is sent. It becomes messy easily when it grows and difficult to pass the data around. Multiple GraphQL Operations in a Request GraphQL requests can contain one or more operations. Rather, it is the implementation of a BatchedNetworkInterface that batches together multiple requests in a way that works with any spec-compliant GraphQL server. is there any configuration i'm missing ? But I will add to it: you might want to consider breaking your one query (comprised of the two smaller queries) into logical query Fragments (see links below). Note that quering two objects at the same time will affect caching behavior. Keywords such as Query or Mutation will decide what the request will perform. Something that worked for me was using another component : If it's helpful to anyone, here's a great resource with several approaches How to run multiple queries at once using GraphQL and Apollo Client. The Apollo Client library has a range of benefits: 1. This way, all of the data can be loaded in one roundtrip, without any extra effort. So if you have previously queried { offset: 0, limit: 100 }, and now are querying the same operation with variables { offset: 0, limit: 10 }, the cache will be missed and the network will be hit. In GraphQL you can have a single query trigger multiple mutations and get a compound response from multiple sources. Another important improvement of GraphQL is that multiple operations can be sent and retrieved using a single endpoint (usually /graphql) and a single network request. Do not complain in endless discussions about adding GraphQL … No need to set method verbs in GraphQL. REST API routes usually are handled by one route handler. If there are multiple queries in the queue, they are combined into one server request. This is similar to how Relay works — Each component may "export" a query Fragment, then a parent component that actually makes the query is responsible for merging the query fragments into one complete query, and to make the actual query to the server. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. We prefer to work with Apollo, as it has a large community of supporters, is frequently updated, and is compatible with iOS, Android, Angular, Ember, Vue, and React. privacy statement. The component which renders last seems to cancel the in flight /graphql request created by the first component's useQuery call. @asotog I still think the batch-http link might help you more than you think. This reduces the number of roundtrips and overall data transfer, which is very important on mobile devices and bad network situations. Apollo Client queries are standard GraphQL, so any query that runs in GraphiQL will also run when provided to useQuery. https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/v3.0-beta/data/fragments/. Have suggestions? Let us see use our Apollo object in action by making our first query to our Apollo server. Save time and build faster with features like one-click query building, intelligent search, and variable extraction. In this course, Building a GraphQL API with Apollo Server, you'll learn to build APIs that return multiple resources over one call, and give the client control over what data is returned. Other than providing an additional option to the ApolloClient constructor, you don’t have to change anything else about your application to start getting the benefits of batching. You don’t need anything fancy to load some data from a GraphQL server. Sorry maybe I'm not explaining the problem well enough. However, there is little support to submit multiple queries and receive results for each of them in a single roundtrip. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. In this post, we’ll first take a look at how we can use batching and then we’ll open up the box and see how it is implemented. We’ll also consider some next steps we can take to make batching even more awesome in GraphQL. Operations are one of query, mutation, or subscription. You're still talking about a static number of useQuery. Is it possible to do the same things as compose() method defined in react-apollo? You can wri… Declarative data selection. Free to use (forever). Not all server implementations support this, one of them that supports it is Apollo. Let’s take a second and look at how cache works. That extracted queries … Also, to be fair, your example is not that great, why can't you run a single query to get all your pages? To turn it on, all you have to do is set the shouldBatch option in the constructor: And that’s it! Here's one approach (from the article above): Another simple solution I found useful is to wait on destructuring the results until you can control the name you give each value. Instead, imagine we submitted a request that looked like this: And the server would return a response that looks like: This is another way of accomplishing what we are currently doing with query merging: fetching the results for multiple queries in a single roundtrip. Apollo lets you automatically batch multiple queries into one request when they are made within a certain interval. This is a feature that allows you to upload files via GraphQL mutations directly. Once the results for both of the queries have returned from the server, the QueryBatcher will resolve the promises issued for both of the queries. Let’s take a look at how this works. https://graphql.org/learn/queries/#fragments It does this by using a pretty simple concept called query merging. This only works if you have 100% cache redirect coverage, or I think possibly using returnPartialData?, which is not always possible or ideal. One potential solution is described by Lee Byron, one of the creators of GraphQL, in his talk about new GraphQL features: batching at the network transport level. Graphql request getting cancelled in the first time and then giving a successful response with the same query parameter. In our product, there is the a page which needs data from 2 or 3 GraphQL queries and we want to call multiple queries with one useQuery(). All GraphQL servers expose a way for us to submit a single query and receive a single result in return. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: compose just calls multiple HOCs together, but it doesn't anything else, in fact you have to map the result of the queries manually to avoid them from being overridden by the next query. I'll also note that you can have individual queries opt out of batching, if needed. It involves taking multiple queries and putting them all under a single root query. Is it expected that only one network request can be in flight at any given time from useQuery? So, as long as the two queries above are fired within the same 10-millisecond tick of the batcher, they’ll be sent as one request, like so: Notice that your application code can remain completely oblivious to this batching. maybe some cleanup did not happen and apollo still considers the query running? Let's start by looking at a very simple query and the result we get when we run it:You can see immediately that the query has exactly the same shape as the result. Queries: For those coming from the REST background, a query in GraphQL is like a GET request to a route or an endpoint. Check out the docs for a slightly closer look at the semantics of batching and how you can use it with custom network interface implementations. At its simplest, GraphQL is about asking for specific fields on objects. Check out Apollo Client. This is all stuff that the default network interface in Apollo Client does for you. So the "default" approach should probably be the one with a single useQuery and multiple query objects, not the one with multiple useQuery. Smart GraphQL clients can make interaction with the server more efficient by reducing the number of roundtrips to fetch data. Although query merging is very effective, it has a few downsides. I am not able to understand the reason to cancelling the request. GraphQL query batching means sending multiple queries to the server in one request, which can have some pretty significant benefits: Reducing the total number of server roundtrips, which can incur significant overhead in HTTP 1.x. The important bit here isn’t actually the QueryBatcher: that just acts as a consumer on a queue. Try Studio . GraphQL query batching means sending multiple queries to the server in one request, which can have some pretty significant benefits: When you load your UI on the client, it might fire several queries in a short period of time to put together its initial state. However, GraphQL queries include a lot of useful information that can be used to make your application faster and more efficient. However if you insist not using batch-http apollo link, you should follow @ivan-kleshnin's advice. https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/react-apollo-migration#compose-to-render-composition. This installment of the series will look at the first step of analyzing how well GraphQL is protected, specifically securing the GraphQL schema by disabling introspection query which is enabled by default. That's my point. In my previous post GraphQL Persisted Queries Using GET Requests we built a GraphQL server that used middleware to pattern match against a static extracted queries file. This style of query merging can work with any GraphQL server since it only uses what is available in the GraphQL specification. Yeah you could write 100 useQuery into a component and skip them dynamically. One simple strategy to improve this without changing any of the UI code is to batch together requests made within a small time interval. When queries are sent in one request, you can use. @FezVrasta I think I am noticing a similar issue, not sure if this is expected behavior. It all started with a use case to prevent client from making a repeated request for the same GraphQL mutation query. Motivation for this post. What is GraphQL Schema? In the last post, we touched on the topic of GraphQL security. Save time and build faster with features like one-click query building, intelligent search, and variable extraction. For example, if user visits page 1, we preload page 2 and 3 after the. I am using Apollo client + Graphql + React in my project and I am facing a weird issue in Graphql requests. One thing we hear really frequently is how GraphQL makes client-side development more fun, because it can reduce the complexity involved in data loading and management.But in addition to being a great query language, GraphQL is also a specification for how you can use a schema to describe all of the data available in your API, and the relationships between different types in that schema. I don't see how that's related and if you read the code I posted I am using the skip option. With that intro, lets understand how the solution is … and I don't understand how can it be messier than have multiple useQuery hooks that'd end up use renaming like. Apollo Client is a convenient client library for working with GraphQL. Sure. Those policies can be, for example: My code above (single useQuery, multiple queried objects) will result in a single HTTP request. You signed in with another tab or window. GraphQL queries can be made with fetch() requests alone — no additional middleware or specialised packages are required to use GraphQL. Since we’re re-using the same variables in both components, if the two queries don’t accept the same variables (or their type definitions), we can’t have multiple definitions for them. In your example, user and SomeOtherStuff are both fields of the same type (the root Query type) -- so they will be resolved at the same time. Basically, this allows us to refer to a field with a different name and the server will use this name when returning the result. I think the Apollo API is great by the way! Now the two queries above will be sent in one request. Already on GitHub? When we apply this query merging to the queries we just mentioned, we get the following composed query: This query is then sent down to the server and we get a result that looks like this: This does look a bit ugly, but your frontend code will never see any of this. Because using GraphQL and especially Apollo client suite is so convenient, one would like to develop frontend apps in GraphQL. @githubjosh I would disagree with assessment in that article which. Hi, In advance thank you great library. Apollo Studio Explorer is the GraphQL IDE of the future. We wanted ensure that an application developer using Apollo Client wouldn’t have to do anything extra to get batching to happen; you should get it “for free”. For example, one if the two queries is marking a variable as required and the second query doesn’t mark it as required, an error will be thrown in this case as the definitions are not matching. Here’s how the pieces fit together at a high level: Let’s consider a case where we fetch two queries, one after another. The network interface will automatically unpack this result into the results you’d expect for the queries you originally submitted: The aliasing allows us to establish a one-to-one relationship between the fields returned by the server and the fields in the query originally submitted, allowing the network interface to unpack the result correctly. Oh, and no junk mail. Batching works only with server that support batched queries (for example graphql-server). @ivan-kleshnin @TSMMark sorry i'm new to apollo and graphql in general I have something like this: each of these hooks using useQuery with different queries each, but i see in the network log, 2 requests going to the graphql separate, so my question was if there is any way apollo handles the 2 request at the same time, or i need to put the 2 gql queries in same useQuery, what approach you would take in my case ? This is why we have smart client implementations, such as Apollo Client and Relay, that take advantage of GraphQL’s query structure to do useful things. We also rename variables since two queries can definitely refer to a variable that takes on different values in each query (e.g. I understand and we'll call useQuery as described :) While updating the UI for Meteor Galaxy to use Apollo Client, we realized how desirable it is to have query batching in a production app. First, you'll explore what GraphQL is and how to define your resources with a schema. Why can't you use the existing "skip" option to conditionally run the queries? We will soon be implementing support for this in Apollo Server, and hopefully the GraphQL community can work together to come up with a standard approach that can be used with all GraphQL server implementations. Want to try this out? This means that if you render several components, for example a navbar, sidebar, and content, and each of those do their own GraphQL query, they will all be sent in one roundtrip. Both of the queries will go through the QueryManager and will be placed into the QueryBatcher’s queue. I'd use the second only when it's really necessary. Then, during the next tick of the QueryBatcher, these queries will be placed into an array and passed along to an instance of the BatchedNetworkInterface. All you need for a basic client is a POST request that sends a query down to the server and gets a result back. Sign in a variable like id). Queries apollo-client is a generic framework-agnostic package for performing and caching GraphQL requests. And follow us on Medium for more GraphQL and Apollo content! The merged queries aren’t the prettiest, but Apollo Client handles this for you and allows your UI to render with a single roundtrip. In fact, GraphQL queries can simply be made with cURL requests in the Terminal if one chooses to do so, with both GET and POST requests supported. If a request only has one operation, then it can be unnamed like the following: The GraphQL API can handle this type of complex relational query … @asotog you want to use the apollo link batch http https://www.apollographql.com/docs/link/links/batch-http/. updating the UI for Meteor Galaxy to use Apollo Client, When To Use Refetch Queries in Apollo Client. So, we turn to a nice feature of GraphQL: aliasing. The second technique is using multipart form requests. Third, it uses a type system to describe what data can clients request. While this works great with this example, it has two drawbacks: This just doesn't make sense because we definitely can declare variables separately for each query that being combined, Question, which one sounds better, getting same data with 1 single query OR multiple query with multiple round trip without getting any benefits? In our product, there is the a page which needs data from 2 or 3 GraphQL queries and we want to call multiple queries with one useQuery(). Free to use (forever). Become an Apollo insider and get first access to new features, best practices, and community events. The first useful feature of useResult is picking one object from the result data. Multipart requests specification for GraphQL. mm had same question i have 2 use queries in the same component fetching with different queries, but i see 2 http requests, is it possible to only make 1 request ? i want to cancel a running graphql query using the AbortController approach to stop the fetch request. We use a query to fetch data from the server/database. Because react does not allow you to have a variable number of hooks, I still think there is a usecase for ONE hook that performs multiple queries. In GraphQL, fields at each "level" of the request are executed and resolved in parallel. If so, that feels like an unnecessary restriction. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. In the meantime, just passing an additional option to the Apollo Client constructor will let you load your UI in a single roundtrip rather than a dozen, without needing to put in any effort to manually merge queries using fragments. Let’s build a query matching countries that contain at least one city with more than 20,000 people and that contain at least one street that matches /rue/i regex and this street should contain at least one house with a name equal to Parse Members. However, this is much better, since the queries you see on the server will look exactly as they do on the client. to your account. Each query response is put into the cache (the corresponding request is used to generate the cache key). Powerful local GraphQL development. Transport-level batching is easier to debug than query merging, but it requires additional server support. As a simple example, say we’re telling the BatchedNetworkInterface to batch these two queries: Then, we can imagine a simple approach to merging that produces the following query: However, the devil is in the details. I'm fairly sure about that but please correct me if that's not the case. First ideas of API would be something like this: In the above example I've hardcoded it which is achievable with a static number of hooks, however if numPreloadedPages becomes dynamic it's not possible as per my understanding. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/to-be-fair, https://www.apollographql.com/docs/link/links/batch-http/, https://graphql.org/learn/queries/#fragments, https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/v3.0-beta/data/fragments/, How to run multiple queries at once using GraphQL and Apollo Client. Have a question about this project? By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and Link: https://www.howtographql.com/basics/2-core-conc… What you want to do is compose multiple useQuery into your own custom hook: Thank you for your quick response. Two hooks will result in two HTTP requests because by using two hooks you're basically saying: "I want to apply different policies to two queries". thanks in advance. To my understanding, the way apollo resolves queries from the cache is by looking up that query from the cache given the exact same operationName + variables. Second, you can get multiple data from different sources in just one single query. But it turns out that caching isn’t the only thing that can make server communication more efficient. It introduces http request batching automatically globally for queries that run "at the same time" within a certain timeout window. I have two components in the tree that each call useQuery with distinct queries against completely different parts of the schema. Next, you'll discover how to resolve queries and nest objects. GraphQL layer lives between the client and one or more data sources, re c eiving client requests and fetching the necessary data according to your instructions. But there is definitely benefit with being able to declare the needs in a single query and to support the full extent of what a GraphQL document is. I'll close the issue. The server has to know how to process an array of queries and respond with an array of results. There are some downsides to this approach though. Or should we call useQuery with each queries? Reducing the total number of server roundtrips, which can incur significant overhead in HTTP 1.x. Consider .css-147bmoc{color:#7156d9;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;border:none;background:none;cursor:pointer;padding:0;}.css-147bmoc:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}leaving feedback so we can improve it for future readers ✨. Am I missing something or are you really saying that is an ideal API? It's not needed, you can use skip to get what you want. The query batcher operates on “ticks” — it checks a queue every 10 milliseconds to see if there are any pending queries. This is something that is definitely and added bonus. A common way to reduce server roundtrips is through caching, because the fastest way to load something is to already have it. I have a simple solution that worked for me. That means each query essentially is … Then, once transport-level batching is built into most GraphQL servers, you’ll be able to reap these benefits while still getting nice-looking queries in your server logs. 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