one day to come to an end; the prohibition of marriage follows naturally on this view. Generally speaking, these employers are prohibited from including a preferred age in job ads. This is the more incredible since the same tradition informs us that the boy was as yet prohibited from making public use of his new religious views. The largest and most numerous commercial firms are German, but there are also French, British, and even Chinese establishments, although the immigration of Chinese is prohibited by law. Attempting to impersonate any person by using forged headers or other identifying information is prohibited. 9 2 prohibited the planting of new vineyards in Italy, and ordered the reduction of those in the provinces by one-half. *The maximum sentence that applies to an offence is the maximum that applied at the date of the offence. Sculptured panels, with conventional motives, peacocks, eagles devouring hares, peacocks drinking from a cup on a tall pillar, are let into both exterior and interior walls, as are roundels of precious marbles, sawn from columns of porphyry, serpentine, verd antique, &c. The adoption of veneer for decoration prohibited any deep cutting, and almost all the sculpture is shallow. The establishment of conventual or monastic institutions is prohibited. Tyndale Version was prohibited by an act of Burnet's Ref., ed. The constitution of 1816 had conferred the suffrage upon all " white male citizens of the United States of the age of twenty-one and upward," had prohibited slavery, and had provided that no alteration of the constitution should ever introduce it. Apart from his personal expenses such as postage, travelling expenses, &c., a candidate is prohibited from spending anything himself to promote either his nomination or his election, but he is allowed to contribute to the treasury of the political committee. Whilst Sankara's mendicant followers were prohibited to touch fire and had to subsist entirely on the charity of Brahman householders, Ramanuja, on the contrary, not only allowed his followers to use fire, but strictly forbade their eating any food cooked, or even seen, by a stranger. They also are prohibited from saying that they will garnish your wages or put a lien again your assets unless they are legally able to do so and have plans to take these actions. The marriage, too, was declared null by the pope, as the parties were within the prohibited degrees. A public demonstration at Dresden in favour of the Frankfort constitution was prohibited as illegal on the 2nd of May 1849. Various church councils prohibited it, and the Code of 'Alfonso X. Sentence Examples In 1906 the export of live stock was prohibited for that reason. Another statute prohibited the burgesses from holding landed property and enjoying the privileges attaching thereto. Instruction in the Albanian language is prohibited by the Turkish government for political reasons; a single exception has been made in the case of an American school for girls at Kortcha. 26 sqq. resale of any service without proper authorisation from the Service Provider is prohibited. But suitors have been prohibited from appealing to the pope (see per Willes, J., in Mayor of London v. In some cases they survive by migration, but this is often prohibited by physical barriers. cit.). Other cities and towns have simply prohibited skating in certain areas. The following sentences will further explain the use of prohibited. Every act tending to force a citizen to abandon his nationality - in other words oppression of a citizen on account of his race - is expressly prohibited. ' Collectors are also prohibited from calling you at work if you've told them not to call you there. English words and Examples of Usage use "prohibited" in a sentence Poor health prohibited him from traveling. The employment of children under sixteen years of age in any mercantile establishment for more than 10 hours a day, or 55 hours a week, or between 6 o'clock in the evening and 6 o'clock in the morning is prohibited, except one evening each week when they may be permitted to work until 9 o'clock, and except in the evenings from the 15th to the 25th of December when they may be permitted to work until 10 o'clock. Family prayers were forbidden if any outside the immediate family were present, and religious services at the graveside were prohibited. So intense did the controversy now become, that at last, towards the end of 638, Heraclius published an Ecthesis, or Exposition of the Faith (composed by Sergius), which prohibited the use of the phrase "one energy," because of its disquieting effects on some minds, as seeming to militate against the doctrine of the two natures; while, on the other hand, the expression "two energies" was interdicted because it seemed to imply that Christ had two wills. Peonage remained a legalized institution until 1867, when it was prohibited by an act of Congress. These sentiments in my mind prohibited me from being honest and truthful to my friends. Congress by express act (approved on the 19th of June) prohibited the existence of slavery in all territories outside of states. Before slavery was prohibited in the Territory by Act of Congress in 1862, Indian captives were regularly bought and sold, a traffic sanctioned by custom and not prohibited by law. prohibited appeals to the pope; but after the murder of St Thomas of Canterbury Henry II. classes which were to be maintained in the Trent Index: authors condemned with all their writings; prohibited books, the authors of which are known; pernicious books by anonymous authors. of the Treaty of Turkmanchai of 1828, it was declared that Russia alone should have the right of maintaining vessels of war on the Caspian, and that no other Power should fly the military flag on that sea; and by a crecision of the council of the Russian Empire, published on the 24th of November 1869, the establishment of companies for the navigation of the Caspian, except by Russian subjects, and the purchase of shares of such companies by foreigners were prohibited. He conciliated the Hindus by giving them freedom of worship; while at the same time he strictly prohibited certain barbarous Brahmanical practices, such as trial by ordeal and the burning of widows against their will. In 1903 Congress adopted a gold dollar of 1.672 grammes weight .900 fine (equal to the U.S. gold dollar) as the monetary standard created a redemption bureau for the withdrawal of the paper circulation, prohibited the further issue of such currency, and authorized free contracts in any currency. Prohibited in a sentence (esp. Various regulations restricting Chinese immigration were enacted from time to time, until in 1886 the landing of any Chinese passenger without a passport was prohibited. However, this material is not recyclable because it is prohibited to regrind the materials. It is to be regretted that the catalogue does not discriminate among the prohibited works according to the motive of their condemnation and the danger ascribed to reading them. The giving of your forum password to anybody else for any reason is strictly prohibited. prohibited vehicle uses and activities include: Permitting someone who is not an Approved Driver* to drive a vehicle booked via Turo. The unlicensed trade in arms and ammunition thitherto existing was prohibited. Officers and servants are prohibited from being concerned or interested in any bargain or contract made with their council, and from receiving under cover of their office or employment any fee or reward whatsoever other than their proper salaries, wages and allowances, under penalty of being rendered incapable of holding office under any district council, and of a pecuniary penalty of £50. In order to facilitate supervision, a minimum area of one-half of a deunum (a deunum = about one-fourth of an acre) is fixed for ground upon which tobacco may be cultivated; in the suburban districts of Constantinople and some other towns, and in enclosures surrounded by walls and attached to dwelling-houses, it is altogether prohibited. The pope prohibited the little book in which they were contained, and Pico had to defend the impugned theses scibili) in an elaborate Apologia. The importation of spirits is prohibited north of 7° N. The importation or possession of arms of precision is forbidden, except by permits in conformity with the Brussels Act, and in further application of that act the importation of spirits for sale to natives is wholly prohibited. ), and it was for some obscure offence at this place that both Aaron and Moses were prohibited from entering the Promised Land (Num. The constitution also prohibited state aid to railways and other corporations, leaving this to cities and counties under limitations. As at Ostia, the various gilds were of considerable importance, but we find no centonarii or fabri, perhaps owing to its relations with the East, where these popular gilds were prohibited. to officially refuse to allow something: Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre. A law of 1909 prohibited the pumping of certain mineral waters if such pumping diminished the flow or injured the quality of the water of any spring. The manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors except for medical, scientific and mechanical purposes were prohibited by a constitutional amendment adopted in 1880. It has therefore a strong dynastic and Romanist tendency, and its circulation was permitted even at the time when most Bohemian books were prohibited and many totally destroyed. Inter-racial marriages were not prohibited by the government. Your decision to buy organic foods means that you are buying from a farmer who does not use prohibited pesticides on agricultural fields. The Budget was supposed to be drawn up according to an excellent set of regulations sanctioned by imperial decree, dated the 6th of July 1290 (1875), of which the first article absolutely prohibited the increase, by the smallest sum, of any of the expenses, or the abandonment of the least iota of the revenues fixed by the budget. But though the same statute absolutely prohibited bowling alleys, Henry VIII. The local institutions were assimilated to those of the purely Russian provinces; the use of the Russian language was made obligatory in the administration, in the tribunals and to some extent in the schools; the spread of Eastern Orthodoxy was encouraged by the authorities, whilst the other confessions were placed under severe restrictions; foreigners were prohibited from possessing landed property; and in some provinces administrative measures were taken for making the land pass into the hands of Orthodox Russians. The Utraquist creed, frequently varying in its details, continued to be that of the established church of Bohemia till all non-Roman religious services were prohibited shortly after the battle of the White Mountain in 1620. However, emulation programming is not prohibited and you should be able to find Nintendo DS emulators all over the Internet. They do not represent the opinions of And prohibited differential are interactions between doctor outside the. Although President Polk immediately urged the formation of a territorial government for Oregon, the bill introduced for this purpose was held up in the Senate on account of the opposition of Southern leaders, who were seeking to maintain the abstract principle that slavery could not be constitutionally prohibited in any territory of the United States, although they had no hope of Oregon ever becoming slave territory. It sedulously prohibited his throwing himself away on the manufacture of iron or anything else. All mortal sins, and in particular all public and other disorders, which are contrary to God's law shall in every rank of life be duly and judiciously prohibited and destroyed by those whose office it is. His views on the independence of civil rule were even more decidedly expressed in the Tractatus de jurisdictione imperatoris in causis matrimonialibus, in which, in spite of the medieval idea that matrimony is a sacrament, he demands that it belongs to the civil power to decide cases of affinity and to state the prohibited degrees. Regulations as to grants-in-aid were made by the act, with the stipulation that no sum from them should be devoted to the provision or maintenance of any building, or tutorial or other office, for religious purposes, though private benefaction for such purposes is not prohibited. Secondly, some music is prohibited on Internet video sites such as YouTube if it violates copyright laws. Times, Sunday Times (2013) Employers are also barred from discriminating in the terms and conditions of employment based on the prohibited factors. The practice is prohibited in Deut. Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Vermont and Ohio allow people to purchase sparklers and novelty fireworks, but traditional fireworks are prohibited. Article 8 prohibited the seizure or examination of any ecclesiastical papers, documents, books or registers of purely spiritualcharacter. In France, an 1872 law, rescinded only by a 1945 decree, International monitoring of the elections were not, In offenses of absolute liability, other than the, Physical or corporal punishment may be imposed such as whipping or caning, although these punishments are, In a nation with an entrenched bill of rights or a written constitution, ex post facto legislation may be, Just one year earlier, the same Congress had passed the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which, Incestuous marriage, defined according to biblical guidelines, is also, That trade continued with few interruptions until 1638, when it was, Residents of Spitsbergen do not need visas for Schengen, but are, The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and, Written works by the native islanders of Puerto Rico were, During the mourning period Cuban citizens were, His court limited government spending and, During the Hongwu Emperor's reign, it became, But all agree that violence on behalf of a country or a government is, In 885, the use of Old Church Slavonic in Great Moravia was, Largely this means that anything that might cause loud noise was, As a result of Jibrell's lobbying and education efforts, the Puntland government in 2000, Furthermore, unnecessary trips abroad by members of government were, During 1990, in the capital city of Mogadishu, the residents were, While this law did not criminalise the act of prostitution in the United Kingdom itself, it, Reality and voyeur pornography, animated videos, and legally, Polyandry, a practice wherein a woman takes on two or more husbands is, Accumulating wealth without spending it to address the needs of the poor is generally, Other types of animals, such as amphibians, reptiles, and most insects, are. Le Roi s'amuse (1832), the next play which Hugo gave to the stage, was prohibited by order of Louis Philippe after a tumultuous first night - to reappear fifty years later on the very same day of the same month, under the eyes of its author, with atoning acclamation from a wider audience than the first. resulted in the better observance of the rules for the publication of books, but apparently did not modify the practice as regards the reading of prohibited books. Examples of Prohibit in a sentence The U.S. tried to prohibit people from drinking alcohol, but that law failed miserably. Dr Cutler was selected to negotiate with Congress, and seems to have helped to secure the incorporation in the Ordinance for the government of the North-West Territory of the paragraphs which prohibited slavery and provided for public education and for the support of the ministry. It mandates a form of involuntary servitude expressly, In some cases police witch-hunt the individuals by distributing cards in the local community with their photographs and the, His writing in the 60s which I read in my late schooldays had the urgent fizz of newly discovered and, Any action carrying a risk of major disaster must be, There are many places where photography is, The IJA is a charitable organization and private benefits and inurements are, Invariably the borrower itself will be expressly, The introduction of the technology, which is, Several suspected efforts to build or adapt, A decree-law of November defined Judaism in biological rather than religious terms and, It normally fired airgun pellets and the modification turned it into a, By a notice, all ball games, roller skating and skateboarding were, Skateboards, scooters and rollerblades are also, All characters belong to me and any use without my permission is, Posting of slanderous, libelous, abusive or defamatory material is totally, Although Article 13 of the Constitution protects freedom of religious conscience and worship for known religions, proselytism is, The first delineates the goal area from which all outfield players are, During the period of the lease, the lessee is usually, While extra clothing, such as sweatpants and leg warmers, can also raise your temperature, this may be, Otherwise, the Commonwealth could always legislate to say certain categories of State legislation are, Agreements which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market are, In former Asian centrally planned economies, private ownership of cars was discouraged in the past, and in some cases, Jury nullification is not lawless because it is simply is not, Point B represents the same total cost to the economy except that now emissions trading is, In most cases, he said, members found to have been involved with, Personal enrichment of any person within the non-profit organization must remain strictly, Many other acts by the plaintiffs are also, Large quantities of alcohol, including kegs, beer balls, etc. The Talmud reports ancient controversies on points of law; and gives the Sadducees a founder, Zadok the disciple of Antigonus the man of Soco who prohibited the hope of reward for service done to God. burglary, robbery, assault, possession Early in the 19th century a large transit trade in opium between Karachi and China was carried on at Damaun, but it ceased in 1837, when the British prohibited it after their conquest of Sind. Ireland was left out of the Navigation Act of 1663 and in the same year was prohibited from exporting cattle to England in any month previous to July. Prohibited activity requirement; Attendance centre requirement (where available) Suitable requirements might … Venality and the extortion of the tax-gatherer flourished anew after the departure of Gordon, while the feebleness of his successors inspired in the Baggara a contempt for the authority which prohibited them pursuing their most lucrative traffic. A defendant who has been convicted for the first time of a domestic violence crime shall be sentenced to a term of probation if not sentenced to a term of imprisonment. The most sharply contested of the changes was in regard to silks, which had been completely prohibited, and were now admitted at a duty of 30 per cent. This measure (amended) became law on the 1st of May, and provided for the repeal of the NonIntercourse Act of 1809, authorized the president, "in case either Great Britain or France shall before the 3rd day of March next so revoke or modify her edicts as that they shall cease to violate the neutral commerce of the United States," to revive non-intercourse against the other, and prohibited British and French vessels of war from entering American waters. The' change of the equites into a body of financiers was further materially promoted (a) by the lex Claudia (218 B.C. The Earl of Shaftesbury, at the head of a special committee, draughted a bill repealing the prohibition. Unnecessary pinnacles and turrets were prohibited. prohibited: 1 adj forbidden by law Synonyms: banned illegal prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules adj excluded from use or mention Synonyms: forbidden , out , proscribed , taboo , tabu , verboten impermissible not permitted Enlightened bishops and princes prohibited it altogether: so, for instance, Joseph II. That applied at the cropping workshops, but that law failed miserably against the nominalists, prohibited preaching Catholicism. Who do not practice vegetarianism are prohibited by a general consideration of metamerism in West! Those in the absence of congressional authorization skating in certain occupations may awarded... In rights would be prohibited also suitable for hotel rooms and dormitories where regular candles are suitable! Church in the Arthropoda from adopting the hypothesis of intercalation of somites additional benefit consisting of work family... 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